Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

get ur back up MISS =D

qt these few days we watch our best friend keeps her tears rolling down her face  :(

maybe writing a story cud help!! :D :D

so,here it goes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

i happened to know this girl cus i decided goin to smak8!!!those days,,i was still an f'ing fatass!!!hahahahaha

there were qt ppl in the room,,but noticing her,,i think we had chemistry =D
we love hanging around just to sit n talk in a resto
we two love cooking

AND SWEET THINGS THO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but of crs we dont eat them all...we eat them in a very reasonable portion

 and after eating,drinkin comes next
thank God i love drinkin more than she does
 which is qt DANGERous for her

but it wont be tht troublesome..if she has got a problem,,
we can solve it as we have our backs back-2-back :D
it doesnt matter on how busy we r on our own activities
we do care really for each other!
as if we gave chocolate marshmallow to ALL of the school ppl durin valentine
and havin this small lil family called the ngepets which had the most marshmallow --"

well,,,ngepets was not a sign of grouping in my school..we are all stay in harmony!!!
and i always love the 1st outing with them all

and the days of being given the chance to worship God together
and being useful in school's organization!xD

tho we actually spent most of our time being useless
by playin baloons
(i miss this lyk very berry merry garry jerry carry much :(   )
and it's funny tht we actually laughed so bad on a tree during break time

and it was also really annoying why this girl and verdi loved to torture my cute stuff

 so evil!!!

but yeaa iv to do my best to stay okay
and pretend tht im heartless,,as heartless as a non living thing

if i hvnt got a heart i wudnt want to help her by feeling her problems


and laughing in triumph as we win


and a heart is given from Thy Lord
for you to keep it 
or for you to trust someone else to take a good care of it
yeah sometimes people break it into two pieces
or three or four
but it shud not matter

bcs God grant us capabilities
to take that little pieces spreading on the floor
and with love as the glue
to hold the pieces together
forming even a stronger new heart 
and hey Ms.Immanuela Hartono
why throwing out tears
when we cud actually spread LOVE? :D

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

myfriends are my everyday

what are they?
the free dictionary gives the definition of : people whom one knows, likes, and trusts

well,interesting!but to me
friends are some special creatures who u go to when ur parents seem to be too mature and ur lil bro is not a good listener.

i grow up with loads of different friends. and iv just realized that they have become my everyday

just when i wake up every morning

i know i need to have something to drink before breakfast :)

well...1 thing abt breakfast i dislike: i do have one younger brother,,who loves me to serve him before i feed myself :S

but that's ok..the thing is that i can have cakes to rejoice my appetite! HAHAHHA

i love sweet stuffs..cake is my number one..
but ice cream is my runner up
 they make u feel crazy!!!!
 and happy as well :)
 but hm...wait....
too much sweeties can make u sick
and when u're sick,,you'll lose lotsa weight as if ure doing detox,,with TOMATO
 hey,talking bout tomatoes,,some of them are sweet,,but some are so sour that make ur face look lyk a stupid sheep

and people will keep watching your face even if they don't know who the heck u r

and if ure weird enuf,,the ones who watch u won't only be people,,
dogs will love to look at you as well


r u  surprised ?

don't be dude..
it was just has some more astonishing truth u shud see..u just need to,,
be passion
as if u r waiting some girls drying their hairs

or some guys at gambling games in Las Vegas's casinos

or the mums when they sit down and go gossiping

or perhaps some juvenile when they go karaokeing

waiting for other people won't do a thing..they will not care as if the world  is theirs

they wont care even if u are about to fall down

you'll get sick of it,,and run to ur BlackBerry

and you see the picture of your friends on ur screen
which looks more like the family photograph
  and it makes u actually smile!!!as if their ur drugs :)

and u know what,i love drugs when it contains T O X I C